Designer Interview

By: FashWire
May 24, 2023 02:06 PM

What did the beginnings of Folie Du Lin look like?

I was trying to find perfect 100% soft bio linen clothes for myself, but I couldn’t. I was searching for linen all over the world but nowhere was there real 100% natural linen and at the same time with a feminine cut. So, I decided to create it.


How did the brand’s name come to be?

 ‘Folie Du Lin’ means “craziness about linen.” Linen is the oldest textile ever and the most ecological one, the simplest and the most beautiful at the same time. So, I’m totally crazy about linen and the so many possibilities it brings.


“Fashion is about a connection with your body, the textiles made for it, and the world around you.”


What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

I was working a lot with children in different ways, and I had excellent contact with them. The brand I started was meant for mothers with children. I’m very sensitive to the female and child connection. But it’s too hard to do everything. So, I choose to develop a feminine line.


Where do you find inspiration?



What do you feel sets your brand apart from the rest?

My brand is about - ‘your feminine way to wear linen.’


When did you know you wanted to become a designer?

To be honest, I never planned to be a designer. For me, fashion has another meaning. Fashion is about a connection with your body, the textiles made for it, and the world around you.


Do you have a favorite piece in your shop? 

All are my babies. I create only the garments that give me the desire to be worn.


What brand values are most important for Folie Du Lin?

Little family artisanal atelier. Which means working in a pleasurable and sustainable way. That’s only how a real creation is born.


“Folie Du Lin is about this magical power, the Power of Nature, it’s ‘your feminine way to wear linen.’”


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

Being patient enough.


Do you have any advice for budding entrepreneurs in the fashion industry?

Don’t start alone but also don’t start with someone who is not in love enough with your work and passion.


How has the fashion industry changed since you first started out?

There was not so much talk about sustainability, people just wanted to consume, and now people are more environmentally conscious.


Do you have a passion other than fashion or design?

Spending time in nature.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? 

Don’t start alone, have people who support you by your side.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

Every woman who wears my linen creations tells me that she could feel the Power of Nature while running through the crazy city. Folie Du Lin is about this magical power, the Power of Nature, it’s ‘your feminine way to wear linen.’